Effort – Study Skillls 1-3 Effort Study Skills 4-8 Handwriting 4-8 | Listening & Speaking 4-8 Math Performance 1-3 Personal & Social Growth 1-8 | Art Physical Education Technology Music |
Holy Family Regional Catholic School is a Middle States accredited elementary school in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Middle States Associations of Colleges and Schools
Holy Family students consistently score well above national and state norms on standardized tests.
Full and partial scholarships are awarded to Holy Family students to the following Archdiocesan and private high schools: Cardinal O’Hara High School, Salesianum School, Padua Academy, Archmere Academy, Malvern Preparatory School, Devon Preparatory School
The Honors Math program is not a separate curriculum other than that which is used for Mathematics instruction in the Archdiocesan elementary school.
The plan of the program is to provide for a progression of skills at an accelerated pace. The program begins at Grade 5 to insure that the students have had a sufficient amount of time to master the skills necessary to complete the Algebra 1 course in the eighth grade.
This criteria is not arbitrary. Students not meeting these criteria are not admitted to the program without approval by the Archdiocesan Elementary Math Committee.